viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

This posts is about my blogging experience. It was great, I did enjoy it so much. In fact, I like write texts, but special texts. My job is about write advertising texts: Leaflets, enterprise's video texts, user's manuals, and many others text types. I write for advertising with responsibility and punctuality. But my job is only a job. Advertising text are not special text for me. These texts are a daily thing. But when I write my opinion, I feel like a newspaper columnist, and this is a special saituation for me. I know, I'm not a journalist, and I don't want to be one, but I like the "not journalist" newspaper columnist's job. I discover this when I write in the english course's blog. The blog gave me the opportunity to know how many like me write about different topics. At first, write in english was a problem for me. But day after day, class after class, the problem was disappearing. Today is not easy write in english for me, but any difficulty is a small thing compared with the pleasure to write. In fact, write in english did help me improve my english. Now I think: blogging in the English class is an advantage. I must confess: Initially, I use the translate "", but now I don't use it. Well, I use it less and less. Before the english course I wrote and spoke like "Tarzan". Now I write and speek like "Tarzán Reloaded". Like the Chilean says: "Something is something". Well, seriously, now I hear english at the movies, and I understand much more, I speek better, and write better. I hear songs in english and I sing it using the correct words. Day after day I say good bye Spanglish!

viernes, 4 de junio de 2010

This post is about education. As we see in the news, yes, in Chile students are not learning in the school. But I repeat: in the school, and they not learning the contents that are important for the school. Because in my opinion, students and everybody are learning a lot of things everyday. I agree with Ken Robinson when he says:"Human intelligence is richter and more dynamic than we have been led to believe by formal academic education". Respect to this, the children of a Fishermen's cove learn to fish in the sea, out of school. The same thing happens in other places around the world. Nobody would say this is not a learn. Nobody would say children can not learn infinite things. Human intelligence's resources are impressive. On the other hand the formal academic education give the children information, contents, habits for this future lifes. But, this type of education is the same for all of them, even they live in Santiago, Chiloé, Caleta Tortel, San Pedro de Atacama. This is the question, in my opinion, the education in Chile is not good, because don't see that ecological circumstances of the people are important for their lifes, their needs, their singular customs, their future life. The Chilean formal education are in a mistake. All the people are different, and need an education for their singular needs, in their singular communities. The SIMCE test is another mistake, it's measuring numbers, it's not measuring education! Like Ken Robinson say: "One of the real challenges is to innovate fundamentally in education". I think, in Chile one of the real challenges is to innovate fundamentally in the law, but in the political Constitution.