jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Post 7

Hi everyone. On this occasion I write something about environment. The care of environment today is urgent. The human lifestyle, with many contaminants practices, has our planet in a critic situation. But this is not a new thing. I think than all the problem was started with a success called “The Second Industrial Revolution” between 1870 and 1920. The image of this success is very typical “picture”: industries to emanate smoke. The characteristic thing of this revolution is the chemical and electrical development, and on the other side the massive use of oil and steel. In a long time of development, nothing was worried of environment. Then the earth was accumulating many toxic wastes. Just until a few years ago the environmentally friendly practices was learn in the school. Today many countries are demanding environmentally friendly practices to the industries and enterprises. Maybe in the “First world” that practices are respect the environment. I am not sure, but I think the last big country witch not respect it, is China. Heir in the “3th world” we are beginning in the way of environment care. Now, in Chile, we talk about carbon footprint, but we use spray deodorant, even when we have over our heads the ozone layer hole; we have a massive use of cars; the people in cars don`t respect people in bikes; we have thermo electrical factories that consume oil or coal, and produces a lot of smoke. Personally, I try to have environmentally friendly practices. I use public transportation, I walk or use bike instead of a car, I don`t use spray deodorant, I recycling paper, plastic and glass, I don`t throw thrash on the ground, and I try to learn this practices to my family and friends. I hope, sorry, I’m sure the new generation will be very care with the environment. Is the only way to survive in the only place we have to live.

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Post 6

Hi everybody, in this occasion I write about a new that appears today in La Tercera Newspaper. Honestly I don’t read every day this newspaper, but I could read about this news in Subway, in the newspaper of another passenger, when I went to the National Library of Santiago City. The new is about the football player Roberto Cereceda and his consumption of cocaine. This could be a sports topic for the press on Thursday 7th, but it is a psychological topic too. First, Cocaine addiction is a psychological dependence problem. When you feel better with Cocaine, later you think in this drug when you feel not fine. You consume, you feel, you think, you consume, you feel, you think. Then, in a long time of consume, psychological dependence could be physical addiction. Even when you want to let this drug, in this point your body asks for it. But, why the human consume cocaine? Ah, many reasons have in the center of this human problem. Reasons like: sorrow, secret suffering, pain, distress, pressure in job, type of personality, and a lot of invisible problems for friends, family, and everybody who lives with consumer. Roberto is a sport player, the sport regulation judges and condemns him. I don’t think Roberto’s being is a crime, I think Roberto needs support, comprehension and professional help. Psychology have many ways to give a solution, but none are easy. I remember Diego Armando Maradonna’s history, and remember the world division around this case, but not much people think and consider the psychological topics about this. When I say psychological topics I talk about social, economics, historical, familiar, individual topics too. About Roberto, national press can say everything, can make money with Roberto’s news, or can be a good friend of this sport player. Nobody are free of fall in down. Not for nothing, football is an entertainment than some people could look it like a drug.