viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

This post is about music, specially my favourite music. Still when I liked meny types, singers, and bands, actually I'm listening Iberoamerican trova and rock music. Of Southamerica, I can mention: Los Prisioneros, Los Miserables, Los Tres, Quilapayún, Inti Illimani, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, Sumo, León Gieco. Of Spain, I can mention: Joan Manuel Serrat, Joaquín Sabina, Manolo García, Estopa. It's a long list. But I like others types too. Into my preferences is the folk music of the american countries, for example: the Afrocuban Music, the Mexican Rancheras, the Brasilian Music, the Peruvian Music, the Altiplanic Music, and the Chilean Cuecas of course. The Rock Music is another style that I like, the Rithm and Blues, and Jazz Music too. About the concerts, I like it so much. Wen I was young I really enjoyed in a Los Jaivas concert. The last concert I really enjoyed was a Chopin Jazz Tribute. The musical group that I like see in a concert, now, is "The Rolling Stones". Another musical group that I like see in a concert, still when I know that's impossible is: "The Doors". I listen this songs, and I consider this style, this rithm, this lyrics, and this blues, is all of a rock band needs for make the rock an art. Another musical group that I like see in a concert at some time in my life is: "Los Lobos". I like the music, and the concerts, and the singer or musical group I wouldn't ever go to see in a concert are all this that consider the music a disposable product.

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